September marks Worldwide Alzheimer's Month, a time to raise awareness about a condition that affects an estimated 70,000 people in New Zealand. Dementia is a serious and debilitating condition impacting mental, social, and physical abilities. The wider public often struggles to relate to those living with dementia, leading to social isolation and loneliness for both the affected individuals and their families.

The film 'Human Forever' aims to change this narrative by showcasing how an inclusive society can be created for those affected by dementia, delivering a message of hope. It follows Care Ethics student Teun Toebes and filmmaker Jonathan de Jong as they travel the world exploring how different countries address living with dementia. Teun Toebes, who has lived in the closed ward of a nursing home for over three years, tells us: "I wanted to listen to the voices of people we have forgotten for a long time".

Jan and Marian, managers at Home4All Green Care Farm, a daycare facility for individuals in the early stages of dementia, encountered the film's producer, Jonathan de Jong, during a family visit to The Netherlands earlier this year. They learned about the film's significant impact in the Netherlands, where it received the Kristal Award for selling over 10,000 tickets. Within three months, the movie was shown in all major theaters across the Netherlands, with over 50,000 viewers to date.

Upon returning from their trip, Jan and Marian met with the Home4All Board to discuss the possibility of bringing the film to New Zealand. They reached out to Alzheimer New Zealand and Dementia New Zealand for help with this. In order to maximize the film's impact, collaboration with those key advocates and their families was essential. Doc Edge took on the task of producing the movie in New Zealand, designating it as the film of September, Alzheimer's Month.

Though Home4All is a small organization on the Kapiti Coast, it played a crucial role in introducing this inspirational film to the New Zealand public. The film is available for viewing on the DocEdge virtual Cinema throughout September. You can view the movie trailer here.




Contact Jan Weststrate on 021 897 605 or email