Our History

Our History
Over the last six years our company, Care-Metric, has established a professional “bridge” between New Zealand and the Netherlands when it comes to caring for the elderly, especially those with dementia. It was as a result of these study tours that we, Jan and Marian, decided to launch the Home4All green care farm in New Zealand.
This page informs you about the healthcare study tours that have taken place, and who took part. New Zealand and the Netherlands may differ culturally, but this provides an opportunity to learn from one another. Once we allow ourselves to look through the glasses of others, miracles can happen.
Note: Most of the links below will take you to websites in the Dutch language. If you right-click on the page you will be able to choose to translate the page into English.
• 2016: First healthcare study tour to the Netherlands;
• 2018: Second healthcare study tour to the Netherlands;
• 2019: Third healthcare study tour to the Netherlands;
• 2019: Prof Frans Hoogeveen visits NZ and delivers a week-long workshop on the Social Approach in dementia care.

2016: The first healthcare study tour to the Netherlands
Participants: Andrea Bunn (WDHB), Dr. Andy Towers (Massey), Carmela Petanga (HQSC), Prof. Jenny Caryer (Massey), Pakiza Sari (Te Hopai), Tracey Schiebly (WDHB).
Programme visits:
- The National Pressure Injury Surveillance Programme (LPZ) at Maastricht University with Dr. Ruud Halfens and Prof. Jos Schols
- Visited two nursing homes in the Maastricht area
- Vilans/ Expertise Centre for long term care in the Netherlands
- Prof. Marieke Schuurmans at the University of Utrecht
- Dementia Village “de Hogeweijk”
- Visiting the Dutch Health Inspectorate
- Visiting the New Zealand Embassy in The Hague

2018: The second healthcare study tour to the Netherlands
Participants: Cathy Cummings (DAA), David Hall (Resthaven), Jan Buteel-Adams (BUPA), Julie Nischke (WDHB), Lorraine Lovitt (Clinical Excellence Commission-AUS), Miranda Roberstson (Nazareth Healthcare), Tony Philips ( Nazareth Healthcare), Sandra Fielding (BOPDHB), Sandy Blake (WDHB), Trevor Watson (BUPA).
Programme visits
- Achmea Zilveren Kruis ( Health insurance company)
- St Elisabeth Hospital (the “people loving care” programme)
- Prof. Guus Schrijvers (Integrated care, better and cheaper)
- Visiting nursing home “de Herbergier” with Dr. Frans Hoogeveen
- Visiting “Buurtzorg”(neighbourhood care) a district nursing organisation.
- Vilans/ Expertise Centre for long term care in the Netherlands
- Dementia Village “de Hogeweijk”.
- Visiting the Dutch Health Inspectorate
- Visiting the New Zealand Embassy in The Hague

2019: The third healthcare study tour to the Netherlands.
Participants: Dr. Kate Scott (CCDHB), Hilary Sumpter (Kerikeri retirement village), Margaret O’Connor (Southland DHB), Sharon Adler (Southland DHB), James Herdman (HVDHB), Susan Noseworthy(TASS), Helen Wood-Rowe (TASS), Stephanie Claire (Aged Concern), Aderonke Samuel (Good partners homecare & nursing)
Programme visits
- Achmea Zilveren Kruis (health insurance company)
- Ebenhaëzer clinic/nursing home (Amsterdam)
- MeetingDem project (Prof. Rose-Marie Droes) / Dementia Delta plan for the Netherlands
- Visting MeetingDem facility (Amsterdam)
- Vilans/ Expertise Centre for long term care in the Netherlands
- Visiting green care farm “Buitengewoon”
- Dementia Village “de Hogeweijk”
- Visiting the Dutch Health Inspectorate
- Visiting the New Zealand embassy in The Hague